
Page Last Updated

4 August 2024

Oct 2018
International Youth Math Challenge 2018
International Youth Math Challenge
Remote individual mathematics competition.
While I did pass the preliminary and qualified for the prefinals, I did not participate in it due to lack of resources to match the requirement at the time.
1st Winner
Sep 2018
Mathematics Modeling Competition, MCF
Himatika, Bandung Institute of Technology
University of Indonesia
Onsite team modeling competition. Team member of 3, programmer.
Implemented a time series trend seasonal model using Python and R to for product sales estimation and conclusive evidence on the order of profitable products.
Top 20
Aug 2022
Kalibrr Code Festival 2022
Remote individual coding competitition.
Obtained highest placement (Top 20) out of 10000+ participants after 2 rounds using Go or JavaScript. The final round was held on HackerRank where I used Go for all problems. More info here.
4th Place
Oct 2019
Data Analysis Competition, Informatics Festival 2019
Himatif, FMIPA, Padjadjaran University
Top 10 & Gold Level
Jun 2019
International Quant Championship 2019
WorldQuant Virtual Research Center
3rd Winner
Apr 2019
3rd Open Innovation, IMERI FK UI
Indonesia Medical Education and Research Institute
University of Indonesia
Team innovation (product/prototype) competition presented onsite. Team member of 3, lead programmer.
Designed and implemented an early Schizophrenia factor determiner prototype using Python by syntactical analysis and speech semantics of human conversation.
Sep 2018
Calculus Cup X
BEM Matematika, Jakarta State University
University of Indonesia
Onsite team mathematics competition. Team member of 3.
Solved undergraduate level calculus problems with question material ranging from first year to third year, including topics in pure mathematics specialty.
Silver Award
August 2018
Kontes Terbuka Olimpiade Matematika: July 2018
Indonesia Mathematics Olympiad Team
Bronze Award
May 2018
Kontes Terbuka Olimpiade Matematika: April 2018
Indonesia Mathematics Olympiad Team
Bronze Award
Jan 2018
Kontes Terbuka Olimpiade Matematika: December 2017
Indonesia Mathematics Olympiad Team
Bronze Award
Dec 2017
Kontes Terbuka Olimpiade Matematika: November 2017
Indonesia Mathematics Olympiad Team
Bronze Award
Aug 2017
Kontes Terbuka Olimpiade Matematika: July 2017
Indonesia Mathematics Olympiad Team
Bronze Award
Jan 2017
Kontes Terbuka Olimpiade Matematika: December 2016
Indonesia Mathematics Olympiad Team
Bronze Award
Dec 2016
Kontes Terbuka Olimpiade Matematika: November 2016
Indonesia Mathematics Olympiad Team
Bronze Award
Nov 2016
Kontes Terbuka Olimpiade Matematika: October 2016
Indonesia Mathematics Olympiad Team
2nd Winner
Nov 2019
Internal Problem Solving Contest 2019
Pekan Ristek, Fasilkom, University of Indonesia
Onsite team coding competition. Team leader of 3.
Solved four difficult problems on the topics of fractional part, constrained sums, substring manipulation and graph theory using preferred coding language of choice.
Honorable Mention
Nov 2017
Internal Problem Solving Contest 2017
Pekan Ristek, Fasilkom, University of Indonesia
Onsite team coding competition. Joined as an individual.
Mar 2019
Most Outstanding Student Selection 2019, FMIPA UI
Dean of FMIPA, University of Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, UI
One of two selected finalists representing Department of Mathematics. Every participant has previously proven themselves through outstanding achievements. The selection evaluated based on several categories such as writing a scientific article, presentations and English speech.
1st Winner
May 2018
English Debating Competition, OIM FMIPA UI 2018
BEM FMIPA, University of Indonesia
1st Winner
May 2018
BEM FMIPA, University of Indonesia
2nd Winner
Nov 2018
Code and Logic Competition, OIM Matek 2018
Olimpiade Ilmiah Mahasiswa Matematika, University of Indonesia
2nd Winner & Best of Batch 2016
Dec 2017
Code and Logic Competition, OIM Matek 2017
Olimpiade Ilmiah Mahasiswa Matematika, University of Indonesia