Release Notes

Page Last Updated

4 August 2024

Website currently running on version 0.8.7


July 2024
v0.8.0 Revamped website with interactive content
v0.7.2b Released finalized first version of static website with limited content


August 2024
v0.8.7 Links now open in new tab, populated Achievements subsection, added exp BGM
v0.8.6 Added featured tab in multiple Retrospective subsections, added exp sorting
v0.8.5 Added Achievement subsection, added comments on multiple files
v0.8.4 Populated Retrospective section, reorder CSS properties using concentric principles
July 2024
v0.8.3 Reword multiple files, created Retrospective skeleton, added some highlighting
v0.8.2 Corrected typo in Education subsection
v0.8.1b Deployment hotfix: rerender
v0.8.1 Added Experience subsection, populated Education subsection
v0.8.0 Changed website theme, centralized YAML options, added Education subsection
v0.7.2b Deployment hotfix: rerender
v0.7.2 Corrected typo in MLAIDS subsection
v0.7.1 Deployment hotfix: resolved multiple issues
v0.7.0 Initial release